Thursday, June 4, 2020

Grand Theft Auto V - Free Essay Example

Grand Theft Auto V is a video game produced in the year 2013 September for the Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and Play Station 4. The video game was set in the fictional south Californian state. The storyline of the video revolves around the three terrible criminals. The three criminals are under the siege and pressure by the military forces from the government agencies. The video scenes in the game shift between fictional San Andrea and the abstract Los Santos city. The game is played from either the third party or the first party perspective. To play the game, you have controlled the central characters throughout the game, and you have to switch the characters depending on the mission to be accomplished. The story is based on the armed robbery, and most of the missions revolve around the shooting missions and the game drive. The government agencies respond to combat and kill the heists. I like the game because of the quality of the graphics used in the game. The color of the pictures of the scenes of high quality, hence impressing to watch and play, (Carlson et al 49-51). The second reason is that nature and plot do the scene from which the video game was set. The fantastic city fictional San Andrea and the ideal Los Santos city setting is so m uch impressing. I also developed an interest in the sound effects used in the video. The first reason for playing the video is the way the visual graphics of the Grand Theft Auto are designed. The video incorporates numerous switches of the graphics and colors. The quality of the graphics is so much amazing to watch and stimulates the morale and the desire to play the game. The amazing presentation of the graphic is the presents the between fictional San Andrea and the abstract Los Santos city to life. Through the altering and switch of the graphics, scenes, and missions in the video game are presented and abstractly brought to life. The quality of the resolution of the pictures and the video is high, and the game and there is an adjustable tessellation of the of the color graphics. The quality of the video interface, therefore, helps bring the vivid and thrilling details and the features of the San Andreas to the country side to life. Relating the video game to the book and work covered from the course, the quality of the video graphics are much essential for presen ting any given visual art, (Carlson et al 49-51). The video quality helps to present the setting, the scenes and the plot of the visual art in quality and eye-catching style to impress the audience. The audience will develop a preference for a visual art that has an impressive presentation of the pictures and vide rather than a blurred images or videos. The second reason why I liked the game is the plot setting and the nature of environment from which the Grand Theft Auto V video game was set. The video game was amazingly developed in stunningly beautiful and amazing landscaped countryside Of the Los Andreas. The combination of the landscape and the wildlife at the country site bring the scenes vividly live to the audience and the players. The plot setting at the fictional San Andrea countryside and the fictional Los Santos city are immersive beautiful to view and play the video game, (Murray et al 91-98). The characteristics of the video game encompass various technical and visual features that make the plot setting that shifts from the Los Santos city and the San Andreas countryside incredibly beautiful, hence fascinating the visual arts of the game. From the book, the plot setting is so much essential when developing any visual art, it should and chosen in such a manner that it attracts the audience to gain and generate more inte rest in the visual art. The third reason for liking Grand Theft Auto V is because of the audio sound effects. Sound effects are essential when developing a visual art. Quality visual work should always be accompanied by the quality sound effects. It will be much dull to watch a video or play a video game with poor quality sound effects. In the video game Grand Theft Auto V, the sounds from the guns and the shouts from the heists and the governments agencies are so much amazing and exciting. A combination f various sound features help enhance the sound of the video game. Personally, I cannot develop an interest in a video game with no clear and quality sound, (Salter et al 359-388). The storyline of the video revolves around the three terrible criminals. The three criminals are under the siege and pressure by the military forces from the government agencies. The story is based on the armed robbery, and most of the missions revolve around the shooting missions and the game drive. The government agencies respond to combat and kill the heists. I like the game because of the quality of the graphics used in the game. The color of the pictures of the scenes of high quality, hence impressing to watch and play. The second reason is that nature and plot do the scene from which the video game was set. I also developed an interest in the sound effects used in the video. Grand Theft Auto V is so much impressive to play. Work Cited Carlson, Scott. Can Grand Theft Auto inspire professors? Educators say the virtual worlds of video games help students think more broadly.? Chronicle of higher education 49.49 (2003). Salter, Mark B. The Geographical Imaginations of Video Games: Diplomacy, Civilization, Army and Grand Theft Auto IV.? Geopolitics? 16.2 (2011): 359-388. Murray, Soraya. High art/low life: the art of playing grand theft auto.? PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art? 27.2 (2005): 91-98.

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